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"Cover Drive Gratification"

You know this blog is straight out of my heart. Today, I want to talk about how sports has shaped my life and my relations. When you are a part of a group, it is very easy to tackle any situation. There are people who help you out. A team action is in play. I want to reflect on the first steps that everyone needs to take in order to be called a part of that group. I want to share my journey and my mindset when I am about to become a part of something new.

Let me start by saying that it is not that easy during the initial stages. There are people who would like who you are but choose not to make an effort. Some would ignore and some would instantly connect. As I progressed and tackled these phases, I observed that just being yourself works well. I have heard for many that you need to be a chameleon ( change as per the surroundings ), but, Is that really what we should be doing? I see myself as a guy with pure passion and determination. My mates would agree. The only thing that I think of, is giving my best. And I believe my efforts have helped me connect with everyone.

There comes a phase of Recognition. People crave for it. Although it's desired by many not a lot of people realize that changing colors or saying sweet things about others do not get you recognized. It is the hard work that you puts you up on that chart. I believe the easiest way to be a part of anything in life, is just to shine bright. Let your aura and charm be so bright that people - Not only know that you exist but also look up to you. And do you know how you do that? You focus on your goals and then you achieve them. I failed many times but knew that there won't be anyone there to pick me up. So when I am facing that next ball, I center myself. And when I hit that sweet spot, I fell what I call it as the "Cover Drive Gratification". And that drives what modern world desires for, the recognition.

When I look at my life, I see two ME's. First being the kid who was Clueless, Naïve, Brave & Distracted. Second, Me, That's all. To become someone who's looked up to, you need to look up yourself. One you find you, You will know how to face ay challenge. I found myself on that Cricket pitch. Alone and facing daggers. But that's what life is. Isn't it? I know my team now. And I know there always will be new members and new teams. But what matters, is You. Sometimes things won't work, but at least you go home with a couple of chuckles and an experience to reflect on.

That's all Folks! I will talk to you again through my posts.

Till Then -

Stay Strong!

Stay Gallant!

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